Travel Health

a large passenger jet flying through a cloudy blue sky

Do you need vaccinations?

The surgery provides a travel clinic service to our own patients. 

We are a designated Yellow Fever Vaccination Centre and can provide travellers with up to date vaccination information based on their specific destination(s).  The Travel Clinic is run by our practice nurses.  If you wish to book an appointment please contact reception. 

Reception will book an initial consultation for you with the nurse.  The nurse will carry out a review of your travel plans and advise you on the recommended vaccinations and costs involved. 

It is important to make this initial appointment as early as possible - at least 6 weeks before you travel - as a second appointment will be required with the practice nurse to actually receive the vaccinations. These vaccines have to be ordered as they are not a stock vaccine. Your second appointment needs to be at least 2 weeks before you travel to allow the vaccines to work.

You will need to complete a travel assessment form prior to seeing the nurse in order that your travel plans can be determined and recommendations can be made.  If you have booked an appointment in person then please ask for an assessment form at reception and complete it and bring it with you to your appointment. Alternatively there is an online version below.

The initial consultation is provided free of charge to patients who are registered with the practice. 

Please note that payment for travel services can be made by cash or debit/credit card only.


Central Asia

East Asia

Australasia & Pacific


Central America

Europe & Russia

Middle East

North America

South America & Antarctica

a sign on a pole next to a palm tree

Further Travel Information

The following websites will give you additional travel advice

Travel Health for information of vaccinations available on NHS

MASTA for private vaccination clinics for specific country travel advice

EHIC to apply for your free European Health Insurance Card